Did you know that in the distant past the Earth used to have six suns that burned down bright on the land?
It was a tough time to be alive, food wouldn't grow, water was scarce and people had to remain indoors. Until one day it was decided that something must be done to remove the suns. It seemed like an impossible task but one lady with an incredible talent knew it could be done but things didn't turn out as planned.
Once you have listened to the story consider the following questions together as a family:
In the story three different people with three skills try and remove the suns, do you have any other ideas as to how they could have removed the suns from the sky?
During the story the crowd laugh at the people who have ideas- is it okay to laugh at other peoples ideas? Has anybody ever laughed at your ideas? How did it make you feel? What might be a better response?
Did you think this story was true or false? Can you imagine if another animal called out to the sun every morning. What would be the funniest animal to call to the sun every morning?
#storytime #storytelling #animalstories #naturestories #wellbeing