The Magic Porridge Pot is an old folktale from Germany written by the Brothers Grimm.
In this tale, a young girl is given a gift by an old lady who magically appears in the forest. The Magic Porridge Pot seems like it could be the answer to all their problems but the young girl, and her mother soon discovers that magic should be approached with great caution.
After the story consider these questions as a family:
Danny ends the story by asking what you would do with all of that porridge- talk together as a family and make a list of the things you could do with a whole town full of porridge- be as creative as possible and share your answers with us,
One of the lessons from the magic porridge pot is to never begin something if you don't know how to end it. Have you ever had an experience like that? Do you think this is good advice?
Do you like porridge? We eat porridge most days for breakfast as it's a delicious and healthy breakfast, especially with fresh strawberries too. A friend of our's puts salt in his porridge but we've never tried it that way. Eat porridge for a week and have a different accompaniment each day- which do you like best?
great story ! Thanks