In this enchanting tale, master storyteller Danny English weaves the 'Legend of the Snowdrop', a heartwarming story about how snow got its colour. In the story, snow is the only element in nature without a colour and goes on a journey to ask the flowers for help. One by one, the flowers decline—until snow meets the snowdrop, a vibrant and kind-hearted flower. The snowdrop generously gives its colour to the snow. Touched by this act of kindness, the snow shows its gratitude by granting the snowdrop a special place in nature’s calendar as the first flower to bloom in the new year. Snow also promises to protect the snowdrop from frost and ice, creating an everlasting bond between them.
A magical tale of generosity, gratitude, and the beauty of nature, perfect for all ages! 🌸❄️
Outdoor Wellbeing Activities for Families (Based on the 5 Ways to Wellbeing):
1. Connect: Go for a family nature walk and take time to talk about how each person feels in the natural environment. Share observations about what you see, hear, and feel, strengthening bonds and mindfulness.
2. Be Active: Plan a fun outdoor activity like a scavenger hunt, kite flying, or a family game of hide-and-seek in a local park or woodland. Movement in fresh air boosts physical health and mood.
3. Take Notice: Pause during your outing to focus on the details in nature—snowdrops blooming, frost patterns, or birds singing. Encourage everyone to share what they notice and appreciate in the moment.
4. Keep Learning:Learn about a local plant or animal, like the snowdrop or a common bird species. Research together before heading outdoors or use a guidebook during your walk to identify wildlife and deepen curiosity.
5. Give: As a family, take part in an act of giving back to nature, like a litter-picking walk or planting flowers that attract pollinators. Giving promotes a sense of purpose and connection to the world around you.