I have always said that it's isn't spring until you've been stung by a nettle. As children, we were always warned to 'stay clear' of this plant or risk being stung. Little did we know that nettles are a superfood with many medicinal properties and when you pick them with force and squash the hairs they don't sting.
In this story, we hear of a young boy who lives with his Grandma in a small cottage. She sends him off to collect a plant that 'gives them the strength of 100 hundred horses and cures all ailments. On his way, he meets a rabbit who fills him with fear and leads to him being hurt. Little does he know that the plant will not only give him strength but also a lesson that will remain with him for a lifetime.
After the story consider the following questions/activities:
Have you ever eaten nettles? They are very delicious and extremely good for us. You can make all kinds of wonderful dishes and you can also eat them raw!!! Pick them without touching the underside of the leaf; fold them 4 or 5 times and them rub them on the back of your hand; by now all the hairs will be flat and you can just pop it in your mouth and enjoy the delicious pea-like taste. (always forage with somebody who can safely identify plants).
In the story the boy has to overcome a fear with courage and bravery. Have you ever been scared of doing something? How did it feel? Where you brave and how did you feel once you overcame your fear?
Have you ever tried making nettle fritters? Check out this video and give it a go together as a family:
#storytelling #stories #family #familyactivities #familywellbeing #nature #storytime #natureconnection