The dainty little blue and yellow flower that often carpets woodland floors and gardens is called the Forget-me-not. This sweet-scented little flower that is synonymous with spring in the UK is found in substantial abundant crops.
There are lots of folktales associated with wildflowers, and this story teaches us the origin of the name of this pretty flower. Whether it is true or not, we will never know, but this tragic tale of a lost lover explains why this flower has become a thoughtful gift to show people they are loved.
following the story, consider these questions/activities:
Have you ever seen a forget-me-not? Where do they like to grow? Head out on an adventure with your family and see if you can find some.
Forget-me-not flowers are edible and can be added to salads and cookies. Go foraging with somebody who can identify this flower and taste them; how do they taste?
The ending of this story is very sad. Sometimes people think that 'sad is bad' but sad is just another emotion that we feel. Can you remember the last time you were sad? Did you talk to somebody about filing sad? It often helps to talk to others if you're feeling this way.