Every day we encounter birds no matter where we live. They bring magical aerial displays to our skies and catch our eyes with beautiful colours. There is such a variety that a trip to the garden or park is always a special moment.
However, in the long distant past, all birds were either black, white or a combination of both until Mother Nature decided that she would paint them as she had the rest of the world.
In this story, we discover how some birds got their colours and how one special bird was given a very special song.
After the story consider the following questions and ideas:
If you were the storyteller which other birds would you add? What colours would you need?
There are so many different colours represented in birds- even the humble pigeon has a myriad of colours on its neck alone. Head outside and see how many colours you can spot on the birds you encounter.
If you could repaint any bird, which one would you choose and why?