In this story a hungry vixen calls on her dog fox to venture out to the river and bring her home a fish supper.
The loving and dedicated fox wants to help but doesn't like water, nevertheless he heads to the river bank where he finds two squabbling otters with a fish, find out what happens and if he takes a fish home to his den!
Following this story consider questions and activities:
Have you ever seen an otter? They're beautiful creatures. Do some research and find out if you have otters living near you. If so, go on an otter adventure.
During the story, the otters are squabbling about the fish. How could they have resolved their solution without the fox's intervention?
Can you write your own story with a different ending? How might the fox have caught a fish had he not encountered the otters?
In this story, the fox’s challenge of fetching a fish for the vixen takes an interesting turn when he encounters two otters fighting over their catch. It highlights how conflicts can lead to unexpected outcomes—perhaps the otters could have avoided their loss by sharing or finding a peaceful solution. After reading, you could explore whether otters live near you and even try writing a different ending where the fox catches a fish himself. For those working with children, such as autism support workers, this could also inspire creative activities centered around storytelling and problem-solving.