Have you ever wanted to try something new but been held back by fear?
I have and everybody I know has too. Fear is an emotion that has helped us evolve to where we are today but it can also stop us doing the things that our heart desires.
In this story a young woman leaves her home in search of great wisdom. when she comes across a walled city she enters looking for answers to why everybody is so anxious. She soon discovers that she has arrived on the day the warrior must take on the giant. No warrior has been selected and no warrior has ever triumphed but the lady volunteers to face the giant herself!
Find out what happens to the brave young woman and in doing so discover the lesson that she learnt while searching the world for great wisdom.
Following the story consider these questions and activities:
Can you think of a time when you were nervous and didn't want to do something because of fear but you did it anyway? How did you feel after completing the task.
Ask a friend or relative to describe a time when they overcame a fear.
Make a list off all the things you want to do but haven't done because you are afraid...then make a plan to do them all one by one!