This session looks at how to make the medium sized warm fuzzies.
The activity is fun to do with all members of your family whatever their age, sit indoors or out, and help develop skills with scissors, fine motor skills, counting, concentration span and in how to create things of beauty by hand. This activity also links beautifully with Danny's storytelling The Warm Fuzzy and can bring about the sharing of 'warm fuzzies' between siblings and family members with a sense of love or out to friends and the wider community. You may also want to attach your warm fuzzies (self made or given to you) to key-rings, zip ends, scarves, hats, door wreaths or use them to make a decorative garland for your home, a garland of love!
Items Required: some wool/string/embroidery thread, scissors & your fingers
Whilst using this resource to inspire learning, know you are helping you and your family's wellbeing by:
1) Get Active - whilst the session itself does not need you to be active, why not take this activity with you on a longer walk to sit doing in a hammock whilst you all finish eating - you don't need many things with you.
2) Keep Learning - use this session to learn (or relearn) a crafting technique to create simple decorations for your children to use in role play or to literally give to each other and to friends. Once they have learnt how to master the small ones, why not try out the larger sized ones and other wool based activities.
3) Be Mindful- crafting as process is known to settle the mind as it requires a type of focus that can help shut other things out, giving your mind a 'break'.
4) Practice Kindness- remember everyones outcomes will differ greatly - respond with kindness and respect.
5) Think Community - Why not make these for friends and family members simply to share the love of beautiful homemade crafts. Post your beautiful outcomes and share any tips in the comments below.