This nature art inspired resource shows you how to make a decorative swallows paper chain for your home or childrens' bedroom. Why not go out on a walk at this time of year in the UK to see if you can spot the swallows now they have returned- often they like to land on wires up high. Then use that bird-spotting experience to inspire you to make this for your home. Having the ability to add to, or change your surroundings, however minor or simply, can give you a sense of achievement, worthiness, belonging and wellbeing be you an adult or a child. For this activity you will need:
scissors, pencil, paper or card (coloured if you prefer), child friendly paint and a sponge (if not working with coloured paper/card), glue/sticky tape, paper clips/mini bulldog clip, swallow outline stencil shape if you don't want to draw your own - see below in a choice of sizes for you.
Whilst using this art resource to inspire learning, know you are helping you and your family's wellbeing like this:
1) Get Active - if you take a walk to identify these beautiful birds in your surroundings you will boost your overall health simply by the exercise and the connections you make with your surroundings.
2) Keep Learning - Learning shapes and colours to look for when identifying bird species can connect you to a wider nature around you. Learn this super accessible paper based art technique to allow your bird spotting experience to become a part of your home world.
3) Be Mindful - The ability to identify birds needs you to hone into small differences amongst our feathered friends which also helps to develop an ability to zone other things out and focus the mind.
4) Practice Kindness - why not make one for another member of your family or a friend as a gift to share the knowledge, love and awareness of our wonderful feathered friends.
5) Think Community - Involving your family in your bird spotting adventures can develop a deeper sense of belonging together, and also help you find a deeper connection with the entire community of this planet
#swallows #familyactivity #childactivity #wellbeing #art #paperchain #artactivity #kidsactivity #natureinspiration #birdwatching