Incredibly fun, accessible & wonderful to connect families old to young - you're never to old to have boggart fun! You need very few materials & most are to be found in the woods, parks or on any dirt patch. Enjoy the freedom to use whatever natural finds you have to hand, or have collected to create your own unique stick boggart. Wonderful to develop funny characters with & voices to match too, explore & create & see what stories your boggart can tell. Happy boggart-ing!
Items required:
Longer Stronger Sticks - Good for strong handles to hold the boggart heads.
Little Twigs - they have many uses, but also make quick hair or pokey beards.
Clay or Mud - a palm sized ball is enough for each head. You could use plasticine or similar as an alternative. Natural Finds - these can be any range or array of things that you may have collected on walks - cones, berries, seeds, nuts, beans, moss, leaves, flowers etc
Small amount of Water - to smooth and mould the clay/mud with
Scissors & Twine - twine can be used to hold beards in place - create ties or used for decorative effect
Apron - depending on setting or child
Wipe Clean surface - if so inclined
Damp cloths for hands - useful if a sink isn't nearby #art #craft #familyactivity #childrensactivity #kidsactivity #familytime #positivewellbeing #familyfun #walking #sticks #stickboggart #stickpeople #characters #create #puppets #storytelling
Whilst using this resource to inspire learning, know you are helping you and your family's wellbeing by:
1) Get Active - Get out on a walk with your family to look for sticks, twigs and natural finds to bring home to get creative with.
2) Keep Learning - Boggarts have a place in British folklore as trickster characters, why not be inspired to use your stick boggart to create family stories about household spirits or field boggarts up to no good! Let your family be inspired to create, listen! Some family members may need to build a story with help, why not share it out between you, one of you start and then the next person create the next part and so on, until the story begins to develop. A handy question can be ...and what happened next?
3) Be Mindful- Before you begin your boggart, take a quiet moment to turn your finds over in your hands once again - take the time to notice how they feel in your fingers - what is smooth and soft, pointy and sharp, bumpy or brittle and what makes a sound? Taking little moments like this helps us to slow down and notice -as well as mentally note what you might use for what on your boggart, and it might connect you with memories of collecting and being outdoors in your minds. This is a mindful moment.
4) Practice Kindness- Depending on your family, know that you may need to prepare the scene and give patient help if you have younger children, respond with kindness to their needs.
5) Think Community - Why not make your boggarts, create a story and then post is out to friends and family to make them laugh. Or post your outcomes online and share your stories in the comments below.