Join us as we introduce you to the wonderful Elder Tree, a foragers delight. Learn a simple way to make Elderflower Cordial and enjoy the taste of summer all year round.
This activity is great for your wellbeing for the following reasons:

1. Get Active- Head out and explore your local area in search of Elder Trees.
2. Keep Learning- Discover what an Elder Tree looks like and some of its uses and the folklore surrounding it.
3. Think Community- when you find an Elder Tree tell others in your neighbourhood and teach them how to make cordial.
4. Practise Kindness: Make an extra bottle and deliver it to your neighbour.
5. Be Mindful- count the number of heads on the tree- leave plenty for the bees and butterflies. Remember the flowers will become berries in the autumn and make great food for the birds too.
Smells so good already, really looking forward to trying the finished product tomorrow. It's also inspired me to try an elderflower cheesecake for fathers day.