Elderflowers are the edible blossoms of the Elder Tree.
For centuries people have collected these in spring and used them for cooking. In this resource we teach you how to make Elder Flower pancakes. If you're unsure about how to identify the Elder Tree you can check out more details in our video about Elderflower cordial
This activity is great fun but it's also great for your wellbeing because:

1. Be Active- going out in to nature and foraging is great fun and benefits your health.
2. Keep Learning: you'll discover how to identify Elder Trees and how to make delicious pancakes.
3. Practise Kindness- Share some pancakes with your neighbours or treat a family member to breakfast in bed.
4. Think Community- by foraging and learning more about your local plants you're more likely to come into more contact with your neighbours and connect to your local neighbourhood.
5. Be Mindful- Plant identification encourages us to be mindful and slow down.