Before you begin this session please read and listen to our Introduction to Yoga with We Be Kids.
This yoga session is inspired by the book, Me... by Emma Dodd. Copy the postures and breathing as we work our way through the book. The story considers life from the vantage point of being small (a baby penguin) but we can easily transfer the idea across to ourselves. If you recall being younger and small, you may remember how TALL everyone seemed, or how BIG tables were, how everything happened around you at speed and that you didn't always know why... Children often see the world in a very different way to adults. A child's experience is fresh, new, exciting, and often full of wonder, but sometimes things may seem a little scary or overwhelming at times too. The story shows how good it can feel to come back to a safe haven, to a bigger kind being (eg a trusted loving adult) after a day of many emotions, to explore them knowing they are safe and loved. However where do you go once you become that bigger being, or when that bigger kind being lacks in your life, where do you go to help you feel better about things? Perhaps we can learn to look deep into our hearts to find what we need to be there for ourselves, perhaps your faith gives you strength, or perhaps the ability to talk to family, friends or professionals can be your safe place once you've grown up, but know that as long as you have kindness in your heart that always have something to offer and give to the world around you.
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Whilst using this yoga resource to inspire learning, know you are helping you and your family's wellbeing:
1) Get Active - yoga may not be running a marathon but regular practice will reap many benefits to the physical and mental bodies. Enjoy moving the body through the different postures as you consider the importance of having a safe place to deal with overwhelming emotions for us all.
2) Keep Learning - Know that children often need a safe haven to explore and unpack their built up emotions from their day...and know that it can also be this way for us as adults too. Do you or your family need to add to your daily routines to build in some decompression chat time on the way home, a short agreed time of eg10min of downtime one you get in the door, or build in some extra snuggle time? All families and children deal with and process their emotions in different ways, do you know yours?
3) Be Mindful - Listen carefully to your own body each time you practice and tune in to how you feel
during every end of session relaxation.
4) Practice Kindness- In yoga only ever practice with kindness to yourself - EVERY practice is different and our bodies will feel the postures differently every time. Yoga should never hurt. Look after yourself - there is only one of you.
5) Think Community - Practice this session with your community at home and spread the word online.