Before you begin this session please read and listen to our Introduction to Yoga with We Be Kids.
Today we are being inspired by the story A Forest by the Australian storybook creator Marc Martin. In the story we consider peoples relationship with forests & woodlands & how it has changed over time. In the past we would have replaced all that we took but then that stopped. In our short meditation we further that thought to consider how we can help heal that relationship now, perhaps first by planting trees (or tree seeds/nuts), but we also think about how to heal that mentality in ourselves too - we need to be able to learn to Give too. This does not have to mean always giving a 'thing', there is much else we can give - our time & our love just as beginners.
We hope you enjoy this session. #yoga #familyyoga #familyactivity #kidsactivity #childrensyoga #childactivity #wellbeing #positivewellbeing #nature #tree #aforest #forest #planttrees #woodlands #community #natureconnection #mentalhealth #forestschool #storytelling #selfawareness #fun #storyyoga #movethatbody
Whilst using this yoga resource to inspire learning, know you are helping you and your family's wellbeing:
1) Get Active - yoga may not be running a marathon but regular practice will reap many benefits to the physical and mental bodies. Enjoy moving the body through the different postures as you discover our relationship through history with forests.
2) Keep Learning -use this session to learn how we all need to give back to our natural world and the forests and woodlands around us, and to relearn that art of giving in our everyday lives.
3) Be Mindful - Listen carefully to your own body each time you practice and consider what your role might be in the community of home and the wider community around you.
4) Practice Kindness- In yoga only ever practice with kindness to yourself - EVERY practice is different and our bodies will feel the postures differently every time. Yoga should never hurt. Look after yourself - there is only one of you.
5) Think Community - Practice this session with your community at home and spread the word online.